Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

Kartini day

Hello bloggers!!! I’m sorry, I’m late to post this.
Kartini day, yesterday our school made an event. In this event there were some competition. The competition are : Kartini and Kartono , makeup , cooking and supporter.
This is the picture of my class when we were preparing about the competition on Kartini day

 and this is me with my friend Ruth Elika Cayanti

This is the picture of my class when practiced to be supporter

Here is my class !!!!! so………….. ( I can’t say it in words ) … my friend said “like that lah…” wkwkwkw…..

UNICEF is the name of my class. That’s means Universal Science Five.

This is the picture of my friend who were be Kartini and Kartono and they were success be the favorite of Kartini Kartono 2012 SMANSA. Congratulation!!!!
(Nadia Kurniasih and M.Iqbal Musa)

Moreover, how about me?? on that day, I followed "cooking competition" with my friends Ulfah and Algi

Those are the pictures that we have made, and we were be the third winner, thanks God
How about the others? We got the 1st champion in make up competition and fortunately our class be the best supporter. Because of that our class be famous as the champion class…. Yay! Thank You very much God…. I love You…..
Thanks for visit my blog!!!!

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